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Tuesday, May 15, 2012
Wednesday, May 9, 2012
Dear Straight Couples in North Carolina, you can now enjoy the lack of rights as citizens that LGBT people have in your great State. Apparently if you were not married as Heteros then your relationship does not count either. OOOOOPS
"I have to tell you that over the course of several years as I have talked to friends and family and neighbors when I think about members of my own staff who are in incredibly committed monogamous relationships, same-sex relationships, who are raising kids together, when I think about those soldiers or airmen or marines or sailors who are out there fighting on my behalf and yet feel constrained, even now that Don't Ask Don't Tell is gone, because they are not able to commit themselves in a marriage, at a certain point I've just concluded that for me personally it is important for me to go ahead and affirm that I think same sex couples should be able to get married." ~ President Barack Obama
Thank You to Everyone Who Has Stood Up To Say All Citizens Deserve Equality and LOVE IS LOVE! Why Can't the USA figure it out, so many great nations in the world have full support of LGBT People and All Citizens get equal treatment!Special thank you to all who have served and protected this great nation as LGBT people.